
Kee Avil on her favourite Constellation releases

Kee Avil on her favourite Constellation releases

Fresh off the release of her debut album Crease in March 2022, we asked Vicky Mettler aka KEE AVIL to swing by our office to pick and share some thoughts on her favourite Constellation records.

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Ziad Nawfal
Eric Chenaux on his favourite Constellation releases

Eric Chenaux on his favourite Constellation releases

To accompany the release of Say Laura, ERIC CHENAUX's 7th album for Constellation, we asked our very own 'troubadour extraordinaire' to select his favourite releases from the Constellation catalog.

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Ian Ilavsky
Joni Sadler 1986-2021

Joni Sadler 1986-2021

Joni Sadler passed away in her sleep—suddenly and without warning—of a brain aneurysm on May 30, 2021 It pains us beyond words to announce this. It’s impossible to know how Joni would, or would not, have wanted to be remembered in death, because she was too busy living. What she would have wanted is to be alive. To grab a drink and see a show. To hug her friends. To tour Europe with her band Lungbutter, as she was set to do before the pandemic. Without her, we can only believe she would want us to be together, to live...

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Brendan Reed
Jem Cohen Interviewed by Jessica Moss for their Corona Borealis Collaboration

Jem Cohen Interviewed by Jessica Moss for their Corona Borealis Collaboration

JESSICA MOSS: When I sent you the piece [“Opened Ending”] to see if it might inspire some images, what were your first thoughts? JEM COHEN: First thought: ‘I really love the track and maybe it shouldn’t have accompanying images.’ Almost wrote to try and talk you out of it! Second thought, while digging into the pile of hard drives in my closet: ‘Well, let’s see if I can find some things that really work with this.’ There’s a worry, a feeling of responsibility to not betray someone’s good music by overloading it. You don’t want to close down the range of...

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